Monday, February 21, 2005
Some Random Vegas Observations
- One of the best parts of a Vegas trip; waking up in a pitch dark hotel room on the first morning, forgetting where you are for a second then suddenly remembering that you're in VEGAS.
- There’s nothing like flying into Vegas after dark and seeing all those lights to put you in the right frame of mind. Six hours sitting in Coach doesn’t seem to matter once you’ve seen that.
- A quick shower and/or a couple of cups of coffee are as least as good as two hours of sleep in Vegas.
- A red eye flight back to the east coast may seem like a great idea, but it really isn’t. You will not magically wake up fully rested at your destination. Don’t forget that you lose three hours.
- The Bellagio and the El Cortez are two places everyone should visit at least once; preferably during the same trip.
- Vegas operates in a different time stream. Every day feels three days long. When you get there you feel like you never left, but by the time you get home you feel like you never went at all.
- And remember, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep when you get home!