Monday, February 21, 2005
Vegas Tip: Do Your Homework!
I can't stress this enough, do your homework before you go to Vegas. Figure out where you want to stay, what you want to see, and where you want to eat. For god's sake don't rely on the advertising once you get there. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING in Vegas is advertised as being the "Best" "Biggest" Best Value" "Highest Payouts" "World Famous", and my favorite "Voted The Best Of Las Vegas" (by some publication you've never heard of). One of my favorite signs of this ilk you'll see if you drive north on Las Vegas Blvd. past the Strat headed towards Freemont Street. There is a restaurant that advertises it's "World Famous One Pound Liver And Onions Special". Yummy! Find honest websites that have actual reviews from visitors, not ones that just regurgitate press releases. If you find yourself in the mood for a cheap steak dinner your head could explode from trying to figure out where to go if you were just looking at the advertising. You'd probably give up and just eat at the place you're staying, and unless you're staying somewhere expensive, that more often than not turns out to be a mistake. Hey, maybe I'm just anal, but Vegas is a town of great bargains. Half the fun is finding these real bargains amongst all the hype.